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Function constructor: Function.prototype

The prototype property of the Function constructor is a Function object.

The Function prototype contains all methods and properties of a function

the specified methods and props
const ownPropertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Function.prototype); ['length', 'name', 'constructor', 'apply', 'bind', 'call', 'toString'] .forEach(name => assert(ownPropertyNames.includes(name), `Failed to find "${name}".`));
the old/deprecated/inofficial methods and props
const ownPropertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Function.prototype); ['arguments', 'caller'] .forEach(name => assert(ownPropertyNames.includes(name), `Failed to find "${name}".`));


The very first version of the spec defines this property already, the ES1 spec, see section 15.3.4 (PDF 732kB).

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