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function API: function.name

The name property is "descriptive of the function" the specification says.

The name property tries to provide a useful name for a function

GIVEN a function declaration

WHEN reading the name property THEN it is the name of the function
function functionDeclaration() {} const functionName = functionDeclaration.length; assert.equal(functionName, 'functionDeclaration');

GIVEN a function expression

WHEN reading the name THEN it is the name of the variable holding the function
const fnExpression = function() {}; assert.equal(functionExpression.name, 'functionExpression');
WHEN assigning the function to a different variable THEN the name stays the initial variable's name
let firstFnExpression = function() {}; let secondName = function() {}; firstFnExpression = 0; // set it to something else than a function, just to make sure. assert.equal(secondName.name, 'firstFnExpression');
WHEN reading the name THEN it is the name of the variable holding the function
const arrowFunction = {}; assert.equal(arrowFunction.name, 'arrowFunction');

special cases

WHEN binding a function THEN the bound-function's name gets prefixed with "bound"
const myFn = () => {}; const weBoundFn = myFn.bind(null); const expected = 'weBoundFn'; assert.equal(weBoundFn.name, expected);
WHEN creating a new Function instance THEN the name is "anonymous"
const fn = () => {}; assert.equal(fn.name, 'anonymous');
WHEN reading the name of a getter THEN it is prefixed with "get"
const obj = { set x(_) {} }; assert.equal(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, 'x').get.name, 'get x');
WHEN reading the name of a setter THEN it is prefixed with "set"
const obj = {}; assert.equal(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, 'x').set.name, 'set x');


The specification text, this property was introduced with this version of JavaScript.
The MDN pages describing this property, easy to read with examples.

Required Knowledge

Related Katas

function API

Arrow functions

Async Function

Difficulty Level


First Published

15 October 2023


8 tests to solve